Classroom faculty members are well-positioned to recognize signs of students in distress. Sharing this information is vital to the behavioral intervention team (BIT) as it helps the team assess risk and develop interventions to support students and mitigate harm. However, many faculty and staff members need clarification on what/when/how to submit a referral to the BIT. This workshop is designed for faculty to address how their role supports the BIT and how the BIT supports classroom management, student success, focused learning, persistence, and retention. Learn the three critical phases of a BIT (gather data, assess, intervene) and how to identify disruptive versus dangerous behavior. Distinguish between feeling threatened and being threatened.
This workshop is interactive and allows time for discussion. This training can incorporate details from your institution’s BIT for a tailored presentation that empowers seamless integration, enhanced reporting, and optimal efficacy.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will be able to explain the major components of a Behavioral Intervention Team.
- Participants will understand what leakage is and how critical it is to identifying someone on a pathway to violence.
- Participants will be able to write and submit accurate and actionable referrals.
- Participants will be able to explain what happens after submitting a referral to the BIT.