We Built a Better Mousetrap: Exploring The FAIR Center’s Wraparound Solution for Discrimination Complaint Resolution

Join us February 29th, at 2:00pm ET for an insightful webinar where you will discover how The FAIR Center can enhance your complaint resolution process as we delve into the advantages of using an external partner for complaint resolution and present our innovative new Center’s services tailored to fit your budget.

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Led by Brett Sokolow, J.D., a renowned legal compliance expert, we will explore a comprehensive approach to case management, investigations, resolutions (formal and informal), and interim staffing for your most complex and sensitive Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, EEO, and civil rights complaints.

As practitioners across the country navigate the intricate landscape of Title IX and similar investigations, it is often evident that an internal approach may not consistently deliver promptness, fairness and objectivity. The FAIR Center presents an alternative approach by leveraging a team of experienced professionals who specialize in resolving complaints, end-to-end. Our focus is on upholding the rights of both the complainant and the respondent, with a strong emphasis on ensuring due process and impartiality, while also being trauma-informed in our practices. The FAIR Center is poised to bring you the highest-quality resolutions possible.

In our webinar, we’ll have three segments. In the first, Brett Sokolow and Kate Halligan will give an overview of the Center and its functions, services, and levels of support. In the second segment, higher education and K-12 clients will discuss their experience with our resolution services and share what they see as the advantages of using an external partner. In the third segment, the facilitator will take your questions about the Center.


Christopher Moy

Title IX Coordinator, Loudoun County Public Schools

Katherine Weathers

Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Auburn University

Cassandre Beccai, PHR, SHRM-CP

Director of Equity and Compliance | Title IX Coordinator, Whitman College

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